1.Make a new Layer: Shift-Ctrl.-N (Mac: Shift-Command-N)Choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Hold down the Shift key and make a small Square. | |
2. Press "D" and then "X" on the keyboard to set the foreground to white and background to black. | |
| 3. Select the Gradient Tool. Hold down the Shift key and click above the top left corner and drag a little passed the bottom right corner like shown. |
| 4. Select>Modify>Contract. Enter about 5 and click OK. Go to Select>Feather, enter 1 and click OK. |
| 5. Next choose the Gradient tool and fill the as shown in Step 3, this time start from the bottom right and drag to the upper left. Now Deselect: Ctrl-D (Mac: Command-D). |
| 6. Next we will Colorize the button: Go toImage>Adjust>Hue/Saturation. Check the box where it says "Colorize". Turn the Saturation up to about 70. Now Move the top Hue Fader until you find a color you like. |
| 7. Last I added a drop shadow by going toLayer>Effects>Drop Shadow. |
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