1. Start a new file. File | new... Choose a suitable size and make sure you are in RGB mode and that the resolution is set to 72 dpi. Use Black as background color. Type in a optional text with white color. Layer | Type | Render Layer Blur the text with 1,0 pixel. Filter | Blur | Guassian Blur.... | |
| |
2. Layer | Flatten Image Image | Rotate Canvas | 90 CW Filter | Stylize | Wind... Check Wind andFrom the left Filter | Stylize | Solarize Image | Rotate Canvas | 90 CCW | |
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3. Now, colorize the image by doing this: Image | Adjust | Hue/Saturation... CheckColorize and test these settings: Hue: 23, Saturation: 67 Lightness: 0 | |