Here’s a great list of 8 fantastic open source Android Apps that every Android developer must look at. Its absolutely essential that you read good code if you are to learn how to write good code! Follow this principal and you will win half the battle of learning android development. These 8 different android sample apps have been written by the core developers of the Android framework. They all include games, time display, photostream, home screen shortcuts and such.
1. Android SMSPopup
This Android app intercepts incoming text messages and then displays them on your device in a popup window. So bascially, this app will show you how to interface with the built-in android app which manages SMS.
2. WordPress for Android
This is the famous WordPress for Android! It is made by the guys behind the WordPress platform… and its all Open! By looking at this android code and studying it, you will learn how to make XMLRPC calls and some other nifty things.
3. Foursquare
Now you can see the code that powers the famous four square like client for android platform.
4. Standup Timer
Standup Timer is an Android app that will act as a simple, stand-up meeting stop watch. This can be used to make sure that your stand-up meeting finishes on time! It gives all the meeting participants the same amount of time to state their progress. Learn how to use timer functionality by going through this code. A
5. Open Sudoku
OpenSudoku is … well a very simple sudoku game. By going through this code you will learn how to display elements in a grid like fashion on your display and in your view. You will also learn how to interact with the web data.
6. TorProxy and Shadow
TorProxy is basically the implementation of Tor for Android mobiles. This implemtation along with Shadow, will allow you to browse any website anonymously. By studyin this code you can quickly leanr how to tunnel socket connections and manage cookies.
6. ConnectBot
ConnectBot is a basically a “Secure Shell” client for the Android OS. You need to see this ones code yourself!
7. Pedometer
Pedometer Android App will measure how many steps you take every day! However, note that the count may not be very accurate. By studying this android tutorial code you will learn how to interact with the accelerometer, make voice updates and how to run background services.
8. Remote Droid
RemoteDroid is an android app that converts your phone into a wireless keyboard and also a mouse with touchpad. It uses your own wireless network to do this. By studying this code, the main things you will learn are – how to connect to a network and control user finger movement.
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